When you buy a new computer, it probably comes with one hard drive which has two partitions on it; one partition is your main, Windows C:/ partition while the second (which may be hidden) is your recovery partition. For most people, this configuration is enough; there is no desire to install other operating systems nor is there the need to have a separate partition for specific data (e.g. like how I have a D:/ partition that stores all my important files).

  1. Minitool Partition Wizard Alternative Reddit
  2. Alternative To Minitool Partition Wizard
  3. Minitool Partition Wizard 9.1 Portable
  4. Minitool-partition-wizard-alternative-for-windows-10

However, if you are one of the people that does like to install other operating systems (e.g. dual-booting Windows 7 and Windows 8, or Windows and Linux) or would like a separate partition to keep your important files or maybe a separate partition to install all your programs, then you need a partition and disk manager to help you create those extra partitions. This article looks at the best free partition and disk managers for Windows. Let’s see what they are.

[Note: Please realize that there is an inherent risk of data loss or corruption when modifying partitions on your hard drive. No matter how good a program is (and all the programs listed in this article are very good — there is very little that differentiates them), there is a chance that you may corrupt your data or screw up your partition. So use these programs at your own risk and be sure to always have a backup of your data.]

Discover the best alternative to MiniTool Partition Wizard. Compare and download free programs similar to MiniTool Partition Wizard: Norton Partition Magic,WinUSB Maker,Free RAW Partition Recovery. About MiniTool Partition Wizard As a partition magic alternative, Minitool Partition Wizard is the latest partition manager software which be used to manage partition on Windows 10/8/7/XP and Server 2003/2008/2012. MiniTool Partition Wizard is a utility tool for managing hard disk drives that is developed by MiniTool Solutions. It can organize partitions to utilize hard disk more efficiently, compute the performance of the hard disk, and the management of drives on the same PC.

This review is part of our Best Free Windows Software section. Check out more articles on the best free Windows programs from here.

Table of Contents

Best Free Partition and Disk Manager

Program Name:AOMEI Partition Assistant Home

Note: AOMEI Partition Assistant Home is free for everyone, business and home users alike

Developer: AOMEI Technology Co., Ltd.

Download Size: 3.66 MB

Version Reviewed: v5.2

Requires: Windows 2000 Pro/XP/Vista/Win7/Win8 (32-bit and 64-bit)


  • Can do all the basics of partition management: create, delete, format, extend, shrink, resize, move, merge, and split partitions
  • In addition the basics, has the ability to:
    • Allocate free space
    • Copy disk or partition to different disk or new partition (sector-by-sector copy [aka clone] or just copy existing data)
    • Modify partition name and/or letter
    • Wipe partition or disk
    • Wipe unallocated space
    • Test disk for errors
    • Rebuild MBR
    • View properties of a disk or partition
    • Hide or unhide partition
    • Convert partition from logical to primary and vice versa
    • Set partition as active
    • Convert FAT/FAT32 partitions or drives to NTFS
    • Migrate from HDD to SSD and vice versa
    • Ability to recover lost partitions
  • Supports NTFS, FAT, FAT32, ext2, and ext3 filesystems
  • Supports MBR and GPT disks of up to 2TB and 4TB in size, respectively
  • Supports all types of drives: internal, external, removable, flash, memory cards, USB 1.0/2.0, IDE, SATA, SSD, SCSI, FireWire, and SAS
  • Supports hardware RAID
  • Supports creation of WinPE (4.0) bootable CD/DVD/USB drive
  • Can automatically shutdown computer after operation has completed
  • Works in ‘virtual mode’ meaning all changes you make are not automatically applied; you need to explicitly click ‘Apply’ to apply all modifications. This helps avoid “oops did I really just do that” type mistakes
  • Works with UEFI/EFI boot
  • Is free for everyone — home and business users alike


  • Partition alignment, modifying serial number, modifying partition type, and converting between MBR and GPT disks are only available in the paid Pro version
    • (FYI: Most people have MBR disks – because it is the default way Windows is setup – and don’t need to mess with converting between MBR and GPT.)
  • Free version of AOMEI Partition Assistant only supports basic disks — does not support dynamic disks. Pro version of AOMEI Partition Assistant has some functions that work with dynamic disks — such as converting dynamic disk to basic disk without losing data and copying dynamic disk to basic disk — but you need to purchase AOMEI Dynamic Disk Manager if you want to full-features that work with dynamic disks. (The freeware version of AOMEI Dynamic Disk Manager is crippleware, so don’t be fooled by that.)
    • (FYI: Most people are on basic disks. If you are unsure, then you are on a basic disk because that is how Windows is by default. You would know if you changed to dynamic disk.)

    Doesn’t appear to support USB 3.0 drives (I don’t have a USB 3.0 so I cannot test this, but the developer does not list support for USB 3.0 drives)

  • Only has support for WinPE bootable disc/USB — no Linux-based
  • Does not support Server versions of Windows. There is a separate freeware AOMEI Partition Assistant Lite that works on Windows Server but that program is fairly useless. You need to purchase AOMEI Partition Assistant Server if you want server support.
  • Has an ad inside the program for AOMEI Data Backuper, a freeware backup program
  • Does not have the ability to modify cluster size on partitions without formatting whole partitions


The problem with trying to find the *best* partition manager for Windows is there are so many excellent free partition managers out there that all provide essentially the same functionality; there is very little differentiating them all. EaseUS popularized the concept of having a freeware partition manager for home users and making money off business users who purchase Pro or home users who upgrade to Pro for the bootable media. Now, however, a couple of new companies have entered the fray with excellent products and have outdone EaseUS simply by giving users what EaseUS doesn’t. AOMEI is one of these companies.

As you can see from the ‘Pros’ list above, AOMEI Partition Assistant Home is an excellent partition and disk management tool and offers pretty much all features the average user would need to manage their drives and partitions. What sets AOMEI apart from the competition is two things:

  • Firstly, AOMEI Partition Assistant Home comes with the ability to create WinPE (3.0) bootable CD/DVD/USB drive. This bootable media allows users to run AOMEI Partition Assistant Home without having to boot into Windows, which is extremely useful not only when you cannot boot into Windows but if you want to mitigate the risk of data loss vis-a-vis partitioning. (Modifying partitions and data is always more safe when done without booting into Windows than while inside Windows.)
  • Secondly, AOMEI Partition Assistant Home may have ‘Home’ in its name, but it is true freeware. In other words, AOMEI Partition Assistant Home is free for all types of users, home and business.

That said, however, AOMEI Partition Assistant Home’s strength is also its greatest weakness. You see having the ability to create WinPE bootable media is great (excellent, in fact). The issue, however, is there is no support to create Linux-based. Now, I know what you must be thinking: “Ashraf, why would anyone need Linux-based when the program offers WinPE-based?” The reason is Windows Automated Installation Kit.


You see you must have Windows Automated Installation Kit installed in order to create the WinPE bootable. (This isn’t an issue with AOMEI Partition Assistant Home itself but rather a requirement for WinPE in general.) Windows Automated Installation Kit is a 1.7 GB download, if you don’t have it already. If Linux-based bootable was supported in addition to WinPE, people who didn’t want to download Windows Automated Installation Kit could use Linux-based bootable instead. Sure Linux-based bootable media probably wouldn’t have been able to have all the features of AOMEI Partition Assistant Home like WinPE-based bootable does, but it could have *most* of the features which would be enough for most people.

Overall, despite the lack of Linux-based bootable, AOMEI Partition Assistant Home is an excellent partition manager.

Runner Up

Program Name:MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition

Note: MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition is free for home-use only

Developer: MiniTool Solution Ltd.

Download Size: 14.4MB

Version Reviewed: v7.7

Requires: Windows 2000 Pro/XP/Vista/Win7/Win8 (32-bit and 64-bit)


In my discussion of AOMEI Partition Assistant Home, I mentioned there are two new kids on the partitioning block with AOMEI being one of them. MiniTool is the second one.

By and large, MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition and AOMEI Partition Assistant Home have the same features (and neither support dynamic disks in the free versions). It is extremely hard to differentiate the two products and declare one better than the other. In fact, the only major differences I noticed is:

  • AOMEI Partition Assistant Home can merge partitions and is free for both home and business use. MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition does not have the ability to merge partitions and cannot be used “within business environment”.
  • AOMEI Partition Assistant Home cannot align partitions. MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition can align partitions.
  • While it isn’t clear if AOMEI Partition Assistant Home supports UEFI/EFI boot, MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition does indeed support it.

I personally feel the ability to merge partitions and being free for business use too gives AOMEI and edge over MiniTool but you may disagree and prefer the ability to align partitions. There is no black and white here, the line is very fluid.

Another difference between the two comes in the area of bootable media. Both programs can create CD/DVD/USB drive bootable media, yes. However, AOMEI Partition Assistant Home supports the ability to create WinPE-based bootable media while MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition supports Linux-based bootable media. As already mentioned before, the advantage of WinPE-based bootable media is you can access to full functionality of the program, in this case AOMEI Partition Assistant Home. Linux-based bootable media may or may not offer access to all features of a program, in this case MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition. (MiniTool’s Linux-based bootable media does offer all features.) Typically issues arise with Linux-based bootable media when it comes to drivers, although most people can use Linux-based bootable media just fine without issues.

On the flip side, Linux-based bootable media does not require you to download 1.7GB Windows Automated Installation Kit whereas WinPE-based bootable media does. So, if you are unable or unwilling to download Windows Automated Installation Kit, then Linux-based is what you need. The great thing is MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition’s Linux-based is a separate download from the program itself. This may sound like bad news to people on slow connection who will now have to download an extra thing to build the bootable media but this is a good thing because this means if you prefer AOMEI over MiniTool but do not want to download Windows Automated Installation Kit, you can use AOMEI while inside Windows and MiniTool outside Windows since the bootable media is a separate download from the program itself.

Lastly, I’d like to point out that MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition also has ads in the program for other MiniTool software, just like AOMEI Partition Assistant Home. (See, I told you they are very similar.)

Overall, like AOMEI Partition Assistant Home, MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition is an excellent partition manager.

Honorable Mention 1

Program Name:EaseUS Partiton Master Home Edition

Note: EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition is free for home-use only

Developer: CHENGDU Yiwo Tech Development Co., Ltd

Download Size: 19.7 MB

Version Reviewed: 9.2.1

Requires: Windows 2000 Pro/XP/Vista/Win7/Win8 (32-bit and 64-bit)


EaseUS may not be the pioneer in partition management (although it is one of the older companies in this field), but it is the pioneer when it comes to offering a free, home-use only partition manager. In fact, EaseUS has been made famous by coupling this strategy with an excellent partition manager.

Similar to how MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition is similar to AOMEI Partition Assistant Home in terms of features, EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition is similar to both MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition and AOMEI Partition Assistant Home. Indeed, all three programs have pretty much the same features with very few differentiators between them. However, EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition does have built-in defrag capability, something neither of the previous two have. EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition also has better (but not full) support for dynamic disks than the previous two programs — it is able to convert dynamic disk to basic disk. Plus there is an interesting ‘Upgrade Disk’ feature in EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition.

‘Upgrade Disk’ feature allows you to copy your existing hard drive to a larger hard drive and make that hard drive bootable. (The larger drive must be of the same computer — this feature won’t allow you to migrate data to a computer with different hardware.) I believe the previous two program’s copy hard drive features should allow you to do the same thing; however, I have not personally tested this theory so don’t take my word for it.

It should be noted EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition cannot align partitions like MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition can but EaseUS can merge partitions, similar to AOMEI Partition Assistant Home. It should also be noted EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition supports UEFI/EFI boot.

What takes away from EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition is not necessarily the program’s functionality but rather business decisions made by the developer, CHENGDU Yiwo Tech Development Co. CHENGDU does not allow EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition to be used for business purposes (whereas AOMEI Partition Assistant Home can be used for business) and EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition comes with no bootable media what-so-ever (not WinPE-based or Linux-based, something AOMEI and MiniTool have, respectively).

Another issue I have witb EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition is it now comes bundled with the free version of EaseUS Data Recovery, separate program offered by EaseUS. You have no ability to download EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition without EaseUS Data Recovery. What makes it worse is the free version of EaseUS Data Recovery is crippleware, so you can’t even use it to recover much data — you are limited to recovering a total of 1 GB before you have to purchase the program. On top of that, EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition comes with an ad for EaseUS Todo Backup, a free for home use backup program.

Overall, despite its shortcomings, EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition is yet another excellent partition manager. Really there is very little differentiating EaseUS Partition Maaster Home Edition from AOMEI Partition Assistant Home and MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition.

Honorable Mention 2

Program Name:GParted

Note: GParted is free for everyone, home and business users alike

Developer: There is no one developer — GParted is an open-source project which has multiple developers

Download Size: 133 MB

Version Reviewed: 0.14.1-6

Requires: N/A — works off a bootable LiveCD, so works with all operating systems


GParted is another excellent partition manager. The following are its features, the file systems it supports, and the type of drives it works with:


  • Create partition tables, (e.g., msdos or gpt)
  • Create, move, copy, resize, check, label, set new UUID, and delete partitions
  • Enable and disable partition flags, (e.g., boot or hidden)
  • Align partitions to mebibyte (MiB) or traditional cylinder boundaries
  • Attempt data rescue from lost partitions

Supported file systems

  • btrfs
  • ext2 / ext3 / ext4
  • fat16 / fat32
  • hfs / hfs+
  • linux-swap
  • lvm2 pv
  • nilfs2
  • ntfs
  • reiserfs / reiser4
  • ufs
  • xfs
Minitool partition wizard alternative for linux

Supported drives

  • Hard disk drives (e.g., SATA, IDE, and SCSI)
  • Flash memory devices, such as USB memory sticks and Solid State Drives (SSD’s)
  • RAID Devices (hardware RAID, motherboard BIOS RAID, and Linux software RAID)
  • All sector sizes (e.g., devices with 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 byte sectors and more)

Looking at just the features, you may notice GParted doesn’t have all the features found in the previously three mentioned programs, AOMEI Partition Assistant Home, MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition, and EaseUS Partition Master Home. However, if you look at the amount of file systems supported by GParted, you will immediately realize the case-use of GParted: it is for people who have computers with multiple different operating systems (e.g. Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X).

Take note that GParted is, by design, a program that runs outside Windows (and any other operating system). In fact, you cannot run it inside Windows. The reason why GParted is 133 MB is because you are directly downloading the ISO that you must burn to CD/DVD/USB drive to run GParted from a ‘LiveCD’, which is essentially bootable media. In other words, by default you run GParted from outside Windows which is a really good thing because that is the safest way to manage partition. Of course it can get annoying to boot outside of Windows when you only want to do some basic partition management, but better safe than sorry.

Honorable Mention 3

Program Name:Paragon Partition Manager Free Edition

Note: Paragon Partition Manager Free Edition is free for home-use only

Developer: Paragon Software

Download Size: 43.37 MB

Version Reviewed: 12.0

Requires: Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8 (32-bit and 64-bit)


Paragon Software is one of the best companies when it comes to data and drive management. They are a pioneering company who are famous for their partition and drive management programs. Unfortunately, their free partition manager is very limited only being able to create, format, delete, move, and resize partitions plus convert FAT to NTFS.

Really Paragon Partition Manager Free Edition can’t even hold a candle to AOMEI Partition Assistant Home, MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition, EaseUS Partition Maaster Home, and GParted. In fact, the only reason it is mentioned here is because a) I feel Paragon deserves some sort of recognition for their top-quality programs, even if their free version is very limited and b) I know people will ask be “how does Paragon Partition Manager Free Edition compare to the others”, so I decided to answer the question before it even came out of your mouth.

Other Alternatives

  • Windows Vista, Win7, and Win8 built-in partition manager
  • … and more

This review is part of our Best Free Windows Software section. Check out more articles on the best free Windows programs from here.

Quick link

MiniTool Partition Wizard Crack is a partition manager developed by MT Solution Ltd, this partition software is compatible with Windows 32/64 bit operating system. Partition Wizard With Crack Technician is a free software that allows you to partition your disk easily and together with other management and administration software to optimize your disk system. All users can perform complicated partitioning operations using this powerful partition manager to manage their hard drive partition, such as resize partitions, copy partitions, create partition, change drive partition, set active partition, convert dynamic disk to basic disk, delete minitool partition, partition format, convert partition, explore partition, hide partition, surface test, change partition serial number, change partition type ID and Partition Recovery, Free Basic Partition Management better partition your Partitions with MiniTool Partition Wizard With Crack for Windows PC. Also, the application supports file systems like FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, Ext2 and Ext3.

MiniTool Partition Wizard Serial Key encourages clients to monitor partitions and segments. Also, check the structure of the record, adjust the SSD segment. Also, relocate the operating system to SSD, clone the drive, convert MBR to GPT, etc. Hoping to become the most dominant free partition manager in the long run. One of the most important features is Disk Benchmark. There are many other features of the MiniTool Partition Wizard With Serial Key.

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Minitool partition wizard license code is designed to show customers the speed of a hard drive running with symbols. In addition, he realizes how the unit is used on the PC. Also, check which document is taking up an excessive amount of space when you need to free up space. Furthermore, the MiniTool Partition Wizard With License Key guarantees 100% security when performing any of the tasks and offers a simple and quick response to improve the execution of the structure. partition wizard free Currently, try the new SSD hard circle review tracks that speed expansion, especially in Windows 10. MiniTool Partition Wizard License Key technician covers all superior features for disk partition control and brings customers lifetime to improve carrier. Most importantly, it lets in usages on 299 computer systems in more than one residential and business surroundings.

Minitool partition wizard free download is a feature-rich partition magic designed to optimize disk usage and protect your data. MiniTool Partition Wizard Crack comes with many powerful functions with which you can fully control your hard drive and partition. With the MiniTool Partition Wizard Cracked Patch, its friendly interface and direct guide, you can change the partition size, copy the disk, scan lost partitions and migrate the operating system to the SSD easily and safely. Due to its excellent performance, MiniTool Partition Wizard 11.6 With Cracked Patch Edition has gained a good reputation among global users.

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MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Mac is an intuitive and easy-to-use application that can help you to do better and more exceptional partition installation in just a few minutes. This is a very safe and much better version of the program that works well and simply, and we created a perfect and much better alternative in a few minutes electronically.

The MiniTool Partition Wizard windows take up a lot of space in input c, and determine the location and size of the day for each day. This is a simple program where you can decide what kind of file size you want to save for a specific drive and where you want to reduce your waist size. It is important to understand that most of the time we do not have a perfect hard drive. If you want to increase your hard drive, you want to reset Windows, along with your computer’s hard drive. MiniTool Partition Wizard license key can be activated without windows and without hassle and programming, you can easily optimize and set your agreements and requests. Easy to use and easy to use, so anyone can quickly use it on their computer.

Convert partition table from MBR to GPT to enforce large drives or complete a group of functional systems from two adjacent tasks to a larger task to upgrade space usage. Transfer the operating system (OS) to a solid state drive (SSD) or hard drive (HD), etc. Change the NFTS file to FAT to save dynamic notes or help from the old Windows operating system.

MiniTool 12.1 Partition Wizard Technician Serial Key [Latest]

This is an easy-to-use application that can help you create a much better and more exceptional partition installation in a few minutes. MiniTool Partition Wizard Technician 12.1 License Key is a very safe software version, much better, very functional and simple. We are in the process of creating a perfect and much better alternative in a few electronic minutes. Many times we install our computer and computer hard drive from the workplace and from someone else’s. Therefore, most of the time we will have to optimize our hard drive, which provides greater functionality.

MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Crack is a user-friendly and user-friendly application that can help you create a better and more outstanding installation in just a few minutes. It is a very secure version of software, much better, that works well and is simple. We create a perfect and much better replacement in a few minutes via email.

Sometimes windows save a lot of space in our entryway and your day reduces location and size on a daily basis. With it you can decide what type of coil size you want to save for a specific unit and where you want to reduce your waistline. It is imperative to understand that most of the time we do not have a perfect hard drive.

If you want to increase your hard drive space, you have to reset Windows with the hard drive partition on your computer. MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Serial Key can enable it without encountering problems or learning to program. You can easily increase and test your approval and application. It’s easy to use, so anyone can quickly use it on their computer.

Minitool Partition Wizard Professional With Serial Key Features :

  • Indent / redo changes all actions
  • Copy the disk and create bootable disks
  • Powerful and very easy to use.
  • Simple interface with intuitive icons.
  • Flexible tools for advanced users.
  • Create dynamic disks.
  • Easy to export disk configurations.
  • Change drive letters and volumes.
  • Internal and external support.
  • Clean hard drives and partitions.
  • Manage hard drives and partitions.
  • Extend Partition – Increase partition capacity without damaging data.
  • Mix 2 adjacent walls without damaging the information.
  • Set a partition mark: Users can add an annotation for the partition based on actual needs.
  • Help users convert MBR disk to GPT disk to use disk space.
  • Help users assess the integrity of the document system at any time.
  • Recover lost partition as a result of personal error, software error, virus attack, among other aspects.
  • Support for recovering partitions with various types of file systems, such as FAT and NTFS.
  • MiniTool Partition Wizard Server Edition supports working magnetic disks.
  • It helps users to generate volume and transfer quantity.
  • Helps users find detailed properties of a volume.
  • Helps format the volume. Partition Wizard Home Edition makes it easy to process disk partitions.
  • You can copy, format, move, resize, convert or remove walls.
  • Erase the contents of a partition or change the letters on those drives.
  • This product establishes agreements that install information.
  • As an example, who pushes his painting.
  • It has different characteristics, from resizing to deleting sections on a PC.

What’s New in Minitool partition wizard portable ?

  • In addition to Japanese speech.
  • Improves disconnected enlistment.
  • Bug fix for a lost package after changing a removable card from MBR to GPT.

What is new in MiniTool Partition Wizard License Key ?

Alternative To Minitool Partition Wizard

  • Latest improvements in the user interface for better results.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Now you can freely do whatever you want with space on your hard drive.
  • The new version helps you create a perfect backup point at any time.
  • Plus, a new exclusive disc benchmarking feature.
  • Many new languages ​​difficult to decipher.
  • More support for the spatial analysis function.
  • Adding the free demo version.
  • Safer than the previous version.
  • Also, resize your hard drive without erasing data.

MiniTool Partition Wizard 12.1 With Cracked Patch Pros :

  • “The free version is very good, but does not work with Windows servers, for more information on the limitations between the versions, go here.
  • “I only used the free version, and while there are professional features I’d like to see in the free version, it’s not something that prevents me from using it.”
  • “You’ve never heard of the minitool partition wizard. You know it’s good, right?”
  • “I find this software to be very useful for all kinds of partitioning tasks and problems.

MiniTool Partition Wizard 12.1 With Crack Cons :

  • “A little aggressive with your other apps. Sometimes it can be awkward.”
  • “A great product, just what you need for your job. No bloatware, no low-quality add-ons, no hassle.”
  • “I don’t like the fact that I need to” Apply “every change I make when working in a unit. Sometimes I forget that I needed to apply the change before continuing with the next steps.”
  • “It helped me several times to configure or change partitions on a hard drive. I found it a very useful tool in my arsenal of utilities.

System Requirements :

Minitool Partition Wizard 9.1 Portable

  • Windows XP, 7, 8, Vista, 10.
  • Some alternatives to the MiniTool partition wizard.
  • Macrorit disk partition specialist.
  • AOMEI partition wizard.
  • KDE Partition Manager, and a little more.

Serial Keys :


License keys :


How to Crack, Serial Key and License KeyMiniTool Partition Wizard 12.1 for free ?


  • Install MiniTool Partition Wizard Technician edition Setup.exe”PROVIDED”
  • After that, don’t run the program (Close / Exit if it’s running).Now copy and replace all the files present
  • Folder “Registration_Module_x64” for “C: Program Files MiniTool Partition Wizard 11 ”(program installation directory). We have 32-bit supported cracked files provided in addition (in case
  • the x86 bit settings installed on your computer).
  • Do not update the program for future compilations. “RECOMMENDED”
  • Note: Antivirus programs can mistakenly identify OnLyOnE.dll.a virus, this can happen because the module is protected by VMProtect,
  • Add the OnLyOnE.dll module to the exception in the antivirus program.