Mega Man 11 obtains followers who have been part of the struggle in gaming. Left within the wild for a powerful time period, with not a solitary new redirection to be discovered! First we got a look of the Blue Bomber in his attention-grabbing field imaginative articulation in Street Fighter! Mega Man 11 (for PC) Mega Man 11 is about as retro as a game can get nowadays, with tight action and great charm. It can be a touch too difficult at times, but overall it's a fantastic side. Mega Man 11 and Mega Man X Legacy Collection Sold Well, Says Capcom. The franchise may yet have a bright future. Mega Man 11 (for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PC).

Mega Man X8 is the eighth and final installment in the Mega Man X series, a spin-off of the classic NES action game, Mega Man. Playing as a robotic hero with exceptional skill in both weapons and traversal, you'll battle through a fierce android war as you uncover the truth behind a mysterious plot. Like the classic Mega Man series, the gameplay is mostly side-scrolling, pitting players against both tough platforming sections and challenging enemies and bosses. After dozens of Mega Man games, does Mega Man X8 have what it takes to keep things interesting? It's time to find out if this is a proper send-off for the Mega Man X franchise or a disappointing finale.

Main Game Features

  • Retro-inspired 2.5D platforming
  • Unique bosses with obtainable weaponry
  • 8 stages of intense and colorful action


Mega Man X8 takes place far in the future, where a terrible war between factions of androids has caused humanity to panic. Using newfound technology, humans build a giant elevator to the moon called the Jakob Project. By the advanced elevator and neutral androids, humanity hopes to completely move off-planet. One night while patrolling, a heroic android named X discovers a crashed elevator car and investigates. Expecting to find injured civilians or workers, X hurries to help, but instead finds an army of new androids with shape-shifting powers.Led by another android named Lumine, the army pledges that they are there to help assist with humanity's efforts. Unfortunately, an old villain from X's past comes back and kidnaps Lumine, sparking even more war and turmoil. Playing as X, you must battle through the war-torn, sci-fi environments and battle against android foes as you uncover the truth behind the Jakob Project and Lumine's army. It's an interesting story that's much more complex than the classic Mega Man games, offering more intrigue and mystery. While it might be a bit too complicated for some, most players should enjoy the narrative in Mega Man X8.


In Mega Man X8, players control one of three characters, X, Axl, and Zero. While all of the characters offer similar play-styles, each one has unique powers or strengths. For instance, X and Axl are both great for taking out enemies from afar with their various firearms, while Zero slashes through enemies in close-quarters fights. There are eight stages in total, progressing in a linear fashion, with major bosses punctuating each level. As you defeat each boss, you'll earn their weapon (or general power) for use in later levels. Certain weapons are more effective against specific enemies and bosses, adding a great layer of strategy to the action.Unlike Mega Man X7, X8 features entirely 2.5D levels, removing the aspects of 3D navigation. There have also been some character balances and changes, meant to produce a more classic Mega Man feel. While the flashy polygonal graphics might make you feel otherwise, the gameplay and core concepts of Mega Man X8 are still firmly rooted in the series' past. If you enjoy blasting down enemies in challenging yet colorful environments while expanding your arsenal with new gear, there's plenty of stuff to like about Mega Man X8.

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While it's not the best game in the Mega Man X series, Mega Man X8 does a good job closing out the franchise. The story can be a bit convoluted at times, but its hardly the focus, as the explosive and addictive action is sure to keep you engaged. Beating bosses and experimenting with new equipment is as fun as ever, beckoning you to perfect your strategy.

Multiple difficulty modes and unlockable goodies make return visits worthwhile, making Mega Man X8 a decent game for multiple playthroughs. Whether you're a die-hard Mega Man fan or simply interested in some colorful action, Mega Man X8 offers it in full.


  • Cool boss and weapon designs
  • Classic gameplay feel
  • Each playable character is fun and unique

Mega Man X Pc Download


  • Polygonal graphics aren't as effective
  • Confusing plot elements
  • Some levels can be frustrating

Mega Man 11 Game

Overall rating: 7