Miraak Battle bugged: complete WITHOUT console commands: tony8669: 1: 1/6 1:11PM 'This virus is as stupid as our feud with Clan Gray-Mane' ZBuster: 5: 1/4 6:41PM: Has anyone seen this game dip below $40? It never seems to go on sale. Derkadurp: 18: 1/3 6:09AM. Among the possible console commands of the game i see a “pflymode = x” command. After some research i found out it’s supposed to enable the noclip mode. If i write pflymode = 1 it accepts the command, but after i hit enter it leaves a 0 value, no matter which number i type in. Console commands Console commands are short lines of code to use in the console to change variables in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The console can only be accessed on PC versions of the game using the key (if not it is the key found just under Esc in the top left).

Quick Guide to Spawning

The developers of Kingdom Come: Deliverance have currently disabled the Console Command that allows you to spawn items and gold now that the game has had its full release. It is possible, however, to add a mod to game that will add many new commands, including a working item spawn command. You can check out our guide on installing and using the mod here, or scroll down below to jump to a specific guide on the item spawning command.

Using the “Cheat” Mod

Before we take a look at spawning items, we’ll need to download and install the mod in order to unlock the command. If you’re a modding pro, you probably already know how to do this. If not, no problem! Take a look at our installation guide for this particular game mod.

Once you’ve set up the mod and booted up your game, open the ingame console using the (~) key. The command we’re going to use to spawn any item into our very own game is cheat_add_item. Here’s a rundown of the usage and arguments.


cheat_add_item <Amount> <Health> <Item ID>

Description: Spawns the selected item(s) into your inventory with the specified amount and conidition


  • <Amount> – the amount of the item you want. By default the amount is set to 1, so if only want 1 item you can skip this argument.
  • <Health> – the condition or ‘health’ of the item(s) you’re going to spawn. By default the amount is set to 100 (the maximum), so this argument may also be skipped unless you wish to spawn an item of worse condition.
  • <Item ID> – use the list above to locate the item you want, and then copy and paste the ID into the command.

Noclip Command Ark

Example Usage

Still unsure? Let’s take a look at a few examples. For the most part, you probably won’t be using the <Amount> or <Health> arguments. So, for example, if you wanted to spawn Herod’s Sword you would use the following command:

cheat_add_item 21afc054-37d2-4cce-928e-c7d0d2e295c5

However if for some reason you wanted to spawn 20 Warhammers with a condition or ‘health’ of 75, you would use the following command:

cheat_add_item 20 75 24a7c868-f23f-4799-8e64-331435a77404

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Noclip

Cheat Codes

Enabling the Developer Console

If you haven’t already, enable the developer console by going into the Game Settings menu. Scroll down to the very bottom and check the empty box next to Developer Console.

Be sure to relaunch the game afterwards!

Now that you’ve relaunched the game, it should be working now! Hit tab or the tilde ( ~ ) key (the key above TAB) and you should see a HUGE black box encompass more than half of the top part of your screen! Don’t freak out about it. This is the developer console!

Cheat Codes

enablecheats (necessary to use the commands)

Summon HatinTimeGameContent.Hat_Collectible_RouletteToken – Creates a rift token

fly – Similar to ghost, but the player is able to collide with geometry.

ghost – Puts the player into a ‘ghostly’ state where they can fly, pass through geometry, and are not affected by damage

summon – A list of summonable objects can be found here.

walk – Disables fly/ghost Mode

changesize [number] – 1 is default, changes the size of Hat Kid

god – Toggles God Mode, making Hat Kid lose no health when attacked or damaged

slomo [number] – 1 is default, modifies the games speed

teleport – Teleports the player to the surface they are looking at

setspeed [number] – Modifies Hat Kids ground speed and water speed (only seems to work in water)

setgravity [number] – Changes the gravity

open [mapname] – Loads the inputted map (check C:Program Files (x86)A Hat in TimeHatinTimeGameCookedPCMaps) for maps.

setjumpz [number] – Changes your jump height

playersonly – Set the world to only update players, ignoring all other actors

killparticles – Deactivates particle systems and destroys all particles

FOV [number] – Changes FOV to given number (max 170, min 1, default 90)

suicide – Kills Hat Kid

showdebug – Toggles the overall display of properties of the player’s current ViewTarget

restartlevel – Restarts the level

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Noclip 1.12.2

invertmouse – Inverts the mouse vertically

invertturn – Inverts the mouse horizontally

jump – Makes Hat Kid jump (pretty obvious)

duck – Makes Hat Kid duck (pretty obvious)

unduck – Makes Hat Kid unduck

pause – Pauses the game

showmenu – Functions identically to pause

use – Makes Hat Kid interact, or attempt to interact.

freezeframe [number] – Forces the game to pause for the specified

delay time (when tested escape immediately resumes the game)

stat fps – Toggles display of frames per second

showhud – Toggles the visibility of all HUD items.

togglehud – Toggles the visibility of all HUD items.

show particles – Toggles display of particle geometry

show rigidbody – Does something

show collision – Toggle display of collision primitives

show postprocess – Toggle display of post process effects

show staticmeshes – Toggle display of static mesh geometry

show paths – Toggles display of paths or navigation meshes

show volumes – Toggles display of volumes

viewmode unlit – Renders scene with flat shading, i.e., no lighting

viewmode wireframe – Renders scene in a wireframe view

viewmode brushwireframe – Renders scene in a wireframe view showing brush edges

viewmode lightingonly – Renders scene using only the lighting information on the geometry

viewmode lightcomplexity – Renders scene using a special shader that displays the complexity of the lighting on (number of dynamic lights affecting) each surface using specific colors to denote the number of lights

viewmode texturedensity – Renders scene using a special shader that displays the density of texels for the diffuse channel on each surface using specific colors to indicate the density

viewmode shadercomplexity – Renders scene using a special shader that displays the complexity of the material being used by each surface using specific colors to denote ranges of shader instructions

viewmode litlightmapdensity – Renders scene fully lit using a special shader that displays the density of texels for the lightmap on each surface.

viewmode – Returns render mode to normal

toggleui – Toggles updating and display of the UI

exit – Closes the game

disconnect – Takes you back to the main menu

quit – Same as exit

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