Here is simple tutorial how to change, insert, update or remove Windows 10/8/7 OEM logo in 'My Computer' or Windows 10 it is 'This PC'. There is several ways to change OEM logo and information, you can update windows registry etc. But for me seems bit to much and I prefer to use OEM Configurator V2. This program works with all versions of Windows and you don't need any additional updates to. Download System Brand Changer - Change the system logo with a custom image and modify the OEM information in just seconds with this lightweight and portable application.

  • Howto change the Windows OEM branding picture in System Properties. Very useful for businesses, or just cool to have!
  • This article describes how to add OEM logo to the Performance Information and Tools applet in Windows Vista. Adding the logo. Click Start, type regedit.exe and press ENTER Navigate to the following branch: HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Winsat. Create a sub-key named WindowsExperienceIndexOemInfo and select it.


How To Change Oem Logo In Windows 7 Download

How To Change Oem Logo In Windows 7

This article outlines the steps required to change the background image of a computer when you are trying to log into it. Using these steps you can display an image behind the log in screen as a reminder to the users. This background can be found under C:WindowsSystem32oobebackground.bmp and is shown in the screenshot below.

Hp oem logo windows 10Oem

Default Window’s Background

Customize Your Windows 7 Login Background

  1. Open up your run command. (Fastest way to do is to do ‘Windows Key’ + r)
  2. Type in regedit.

  3. Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software> Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Authentication > LogonUI > Background
  4. Double-click on OEMBackground
  5. Change this value to 1.
  6. Click Okayand close out of regedit.
  7. Open up Windows Explorer or My Computer and navigate to your Windows directory.
  8. In your system32 folder in your windows directory, you’ll need to create a couple new folders. For the standard user, go to c:windowssystem32oobe and create a folder labeled info. Inside the info folder, make another folder called backgrounds.

    Your final path should look like c:windowssystem32oobeinfobackgrounds

  9. Place your image in this folder. Note 2 important things:
    • 1st: Your file must be labeled backgroundDefault.jpg
    • 2ndly: According a handful of sources, your file must less than 256kb in size, but I have never been able to successfully implement a background unless it was less than 250kb in size.
  10. To test if your background is working correctly, lock your computer with ‘Windows + L.’ Your image should now show up on your Windows Login screen.
  11. Alternatively, name your background to work with specific resolutions. Here are the background names:
    • background768×1280.jpg (0.6)
    • background900×1440.jpg (0.625)
    • background960×1280.jpg (0.75)
    • background1024×1280.jpg (0.8)
    • background1280×1024.jpg (1.25)
    • background1024×768.jpg (1.33-)
    • background1280×960.jpg (1.33-)
    • background1600×1200.jpg (1.33-)
    • background1440×900.jpg (1.6)
    • background1920×1200.jpg (1.6)
    • background1280×768.jpg (1.66-)
    • background1360×768.jpg (1.770833-)

Additional Sources Used for Step 11.:

Dell Oem Logo Windows 10

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Here is simple tutorial how to change, insert, update or remove Windows 10/8/7 OEM logo in 'My Computer' or Windows 10 it is 'This PC'.

Change Oem Logo Windows 10

There is several ways to change OEM logo and information, you can update windows registry etc. but for me seems bit to much and I prefer to use OEM Configurator V2. this program works with all versions of Windows and you don't need any additional updates to use it.

Generally this info is all there when You buy new PC or Laptop but you may want to remove or update some information so here is easiest way to do so.

How to change / update / remove Windows 10 OEM logo.

First this go and download OEM Configurator V2 and OEM logos from here: DOWNLOAD

All downloads are safe, there's no malicious software included, all you have in this folder is OEM Configurator V2 and OEM logos.

Windows 7 Pro Download Oem

Open OEM Cofigurator V2.exe and run it, you should get something like this:

In my case all information is filled in but if you want to display no info then just leave all entries blank.

To update OEM logo, choose one form the folder you download from here and move it to your Windows folder, now just press select 'Select Image' and navigate to your Windows folder and choose your LOGO.bmp and then click 'Save OEM informations'.


Also you can use custom images as Your OEM logo just one thing to remember that your custom OEM Logo will have to be '.bmp' format and 120 x 120 size.

You cant do any harm to your device by using this software so feel free to try out different setting and just mess around until you happy with information you have entered.

See video here: How to change / update / remove OEM logo and information in Windows 10